Certification, Customer Insights, Data

MB-260: Describe the first run experience (FRE) in D365 Customer Insights – Data

First run experience or FRE is when you have a single CSV file with your data that you want to add to the system. This is a quick way of starting your CI-D journey or testing with your own data, without connecting CI-D to any system.

If you have a new system you will most likely have the FRE popup. If you don’t get this popup you can go to the home page and click “Add data” on the “Gets insights in mins” tile. I have two environments which are both trials, one of my environments had this, and the other didn’t.

FRE prompted in CI-D

Microsoft has stated some prerequisites for the file you can upload, the file must:

  • Be CSV format with only letters, numbers and _ in the file name
  • Contain more than 100 rows and 5 columns
  • Include at least one column of each data category:
    • Identity: Customer number, email, SSN
    • Demographics: Address, DOB, gender
    • Business: Loyalty points, total spending

If you click “Get started”, you’re taken to the page where you upload the file

FRE upload data

When the file is uploaded you get asked what’s the primary key, this is the one main identifier. In my case, it found it as the ID, and that was correct. I could here click the “No, please show more options” and it would show me alternatives. Remember you can only have one primary key!

FRE Primary key

FRE then reviews your CSV file to see if the quality is good.

FRE Quality check of CSV

The last thing FRE does is create your insights.

FRE create insights

When the insights are finished and created, you get your results

Results of FRE insights

As you can see from the image, you get how many unique customers and duplicates you have. CI-D has also created two segments and two measures from your data.

When I go back to the home page I can see that I have 99K customers and have the FRE completed and your new segments.

Home with new data from FRE

This is a great way of starting with the system and getting some data in CI-D.

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