Copilot, Customer Insights, Dynamics 365 Marketing, Journey

Customer Insights -Journeys Copilot frenzy

Copilot is Microsoft’s AI-powered assistant, which spans across most of what Microsoft deliver today and in the future. Dynamics 365 Customer Insights – Journeys have had features from Copilot for some time, but a lot has happened fall of 2023.

We all know Microsoft has gone Copilot crazy, but did you know that in the release planner there are 22 Copilot news from May 1st to February 2024! Let’s look at some of the Copilot features in D365 Customer Insights – Journeys that you can test out now.
PS; I have an environment in the US, so not all these features will be available in other data centers yet.

All the features in try now in the release planner under Copilot and AI innovation
All the features in try now in the release planner under Copilot and AI innovation

To enable most of the Copilot features you have to turn them on in “Feature switches” in the settings area. Remember a lot of these features are in preview, so some might not be as functional as you could hope, but that’s why they’re in preview and we test!


When you start creating a journey you now get prompted with Copilot before you get the option to create it manually. Here you can tell the Copilot what you’d like to achieve from your journey, and it will create it for you!

Picture of the screen where you can ask Copilot to create a journey
Picture of the screen where you can ask Copilot to create a journey
Video of how you create a Journey with the help of Copilot

This feature is in public preview from August 17., and will be in general availability from February 2024.


Creating themes and getting the correct colours in a form isn’t always done in a heartbeat – until Copilot theme creation in forms! I have given some feedback on this one to the marketing team, so I know it’s not 100% as of October, but it’s also in preview and I would expect it to get better as time goes by.

In the theme section, you now get a box where you can paste a website and get suggestions on the colour palette, background, text styles and button styles from your own website!

I used my own website and got about the correct colours that are used on the site and can choose to keep the theme and use it in my form. This is going to make it a lot easier to make sure your forms keep the design guide your website is using.

Colours from the website in your form
Colours from the website in your form

For this feature I’ve found two different dates that seems to be about the same feature. One, “Style forms and event registration pages to match your website“, saying it’s in public preview from September 2023, and in general availability from October 2023. The other, “Use Copilot to style your forms and event registration pages to match your website“, not stating any time for it to be in general availability.


In emails, we have the same theme options that you have in forms. I would expect this to give the exact same theme as the forms have, but there’s a slight difference, I expect this to be sorted in before it’s in general availability.

Theme in an email
Theme in an email

Style your emails and get the theme is in public preview September 1, 2023, with no announced general availability.

The other Copilot feature in emails is in content creation. For this to work you have to have at least 20 emails that are in the status of ready to send in the language for Copilot to create suggestions for you. Copilot will use your own emails and give you suggestions that are written in your company’s tone of voice. This will make the suggestions relevant to how you want to communicate, and not some random text from the internet.

Content creation I think is the feature that was in public preview on May 1, 2023, with no general availability date set.

The last feature I can test now in email is the image suggestion. I simply click on an image and get suggestions on which picture in your library is the most related to your content. If Copilot can’t find any, it’ll give you some of your most recent images as I have in the picture below.

Copilot suggesting images from your library
Copilot suggesting images from your library

Image recommendations from Copilot came to public preview in September 2023, with no announced general availability date.


Creating segments with the use of Copilot has been available for some time also in other datacenters. These are the only Copilot features that are in general availability and supported by Microsoft, these should work as expected.

Copilot feature in segments
Copilot feature in segments

To use the Copilot you need to know how to write good prompts. You get some suggestions from Microsoft when you click in the Copilot box.

Copilot prompt suggestions from Microsoft
Copilot prompt suggestions from Microsoft

You can use one of the suggestions, edit the suggestions you’ve gotten, or you can write your own

Asked Copilot to create a segment with contacts who submitted a form and have an email address
Asked Copilot to create a segment with contacts who submitted a form and have an email address

Creating segments and targeting customers with the Copilot Query Assist came to public preview March 1, 2023 and became generally available June 1, 2023.

After you’ve gotten your segment the way you want it you can also use Copilot to explain your segment and suggest improvements. Imagine being new in the company and having no idea what the segment is, getting it summarized will be a great help.

Explain my segment and suggested improvements from Copilot
Explain my segment and suggested improvements from Copilot

Explaining the segment and simplifying it using Copilot came in public preview July 18, 2023, and to general availability September 2023.

These were the features I had available in late October in a US trial environment. The marketing effectiveness dashboard is available, but it had a bug and I could not test it in this round.


There are a lot of things Copilot can help us with, but remember how you write the prompt is what’s going to define if it’s a success or failure. Here are some blogs on how to write good prompts:

Prompts in Power Platform Copilot

7 essential steps on how to write good ChatGPT prompts from Forbes


There are so many Copilot features that you can test out in Dynamics 365 Customer Insights – Journeys already, with more to come. It’s hard to keep track of all of them and which will be useful to you and your needs.

Do all of these work as expected today? No. But most of them are in preview and I would expect them to be improved before they go to general availability. There are also a lot of other Copilot features coming to CI-J in the future, so keeping an eye on the release planner will be important!

As always, if you have any ideas on how to improve CI-J (or any other system from Microsoft), the ideas site is where you should post it!

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